Budapest, Hungary Day 1

My first international trip since moving to England (finally!). I left on a cheap Eyanair flight on the Tuesday evening and arrived in Budapest at 10 past 9 the same night. The flight was quick (2 hours in time) but quick in the way that I got chatting to the guys I was sitting next to turns out they were b The teachers too. 1 guy was a Hungarian native teaching in London and the other was from Melbourne. We teachers tend to sniff each other out I think.

Anywho, back to the holiday. I'd pre booked airport transfers through Expedia setting me back £30 and although the man was lovely that did picked me up, I've come to find out you can get a door to door shuttle service from the airport for £7, no pre booking required.

Once I got to the hostel I found out that even though I'd booked a 4 person room I was getting a 2 person room and have it all to myself, no complaints there. I soon went off in search of food, forgetting about the fact that I don't know any Hungarian words and I wandered off. Needless to say I had a quick awakening when trying to buy chocolate and they spoke no English and I was like a fish out of water. I didn't get much sleep that night, if you're planning on staying at the macro polo hostel I suggest trying to bring your own pillow and ear plugs. It's really loud and the 1 pillow is so flat!


I took myself out for a coffee wander in the morning and found this small shop called 'my little melbourne'again coming to realise I should have learnt some basic Hungarian before my adventure began but I managed to get a latte and sat taking in the area around me for a while. The shop is in what I assume is the Jewish quarter and the walk there was past some beautiful architecture (the synagogue is amazing!).

I met up with Kate, Sally and Mikayla Later on and we headed out to breakfast at Bonnies Restro where we had a delicious breakfast and coffee outside before the girls headed off on their Vienna adventure and Kate and I checked out Margaret Bridge and the St Gellert monument.



We met up with Alice a bit later in the spring market and we found another restraunt to eat more food in. I had just cake and coffee (so healthy I know) and then we wandered off to catch the metro to Heros square and Andrassay.

The ticket machine in the metro was a little confusing but we got out tickets and had to sit there remembering to get off at the stop that started with 'h'. I have to say there's not too much to do in Andrassay or Heros square but they are beautiful in their architecture and make for nice pictures,

When we came back we met up with Ruby and decided to try and get pedicures. We went to this shop which looked to be closed so Kate tried to call them only to have the woman hang up on her. Ruby and Alice went to look in a clothes shop and Kate and I realised you had to press a bell to get in. Then we realised it was a beauty supply store and they didn't do manicures. Awkward!

I ended up having a nap back at the hostel for about an hour before dinner, which was handy since I hadn't been sleeping the night before. Everyone was still really tired still after resting but we powered through and went to what the girls have affectionately been calling the 'alleyway'. That little lane has so much atmosphere and character when the sun goes down, it was awesome! We ended up at spiler for dinner where I got a burger that I was assured wasn't spices and yet it still came with something on it that made my eyes water! With 2 alcoholic drinks and a main (one of those drinks was a cocktail too) it was only £9!

We called it an early night so the girls could pack ready to leave in the morning but we were all ready for bed anyway.


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