A week in London

I arrived in London on Monday afternoon (27th of July) feeling like I was ready to take on the world. I managed to navigate the world that is 'Mind the Gap' and very apologetic for any delays over 20 seconds, aka the London transport system with a very large, heavy, suitcase and a backpack. I made it to my accommodation, Lillian Penson Hall, in one piece and still feeling awesome (although the small flight of stairs I had to drag my suitcase up was slightly embarrassing). Once I saw the lift to get me up to my top floor room (Room 621) I was a little set aback by the size of it (apparently it fits 4 people in there). My suitcase just barely fit through the door of it, anyway, moving on. I had seen pictures and read reviews of the accommodation online and to say that I thought I was prepared is probably an understatement. I walked in the door and had all of my expectations shoved to the basement. Let's just say there's a reason they don't show any pictures of the bathrooms on the website, and as a person that gets freaked out easily, they put my in the back corner where the lights only come on via sensor only. Don't even let me get started on my delightful view of the back alleys...no view over Talbot Square for me. Yes, I had a little bit of a cry. Who wants to move half way across the world to be greeted with weather that is definitely not summer like and a bathroom that has mould with a side of shower? If you wanted to see my video around the room you're in luck! I took one shortly before the breakdown and you can watch it here.

Luckily for me I have my cousin Elizabeth here in the city. She was awesome and came to meet me for dinner which made me feel better about life.

Tuesday saw me getting an Oyster Card and travelling on the tube for the first time. My suggestion here is to check which tube station you need to go to first, luckily for me the men that work there are very lovely and helped me out (twice because I kept forgetting what they said). I did, however, manage to get on the wrong train and didn't notice until I couldn't figure out why none of the stops sounded like the ones I'd already looked at on the map. Easy fixed, I hopped off and transferred to the other platform. Once I got into Essex I had to make a quick stop into the grocery store to pick up snacks for work. A quick stop turned into a lengthy stop because I kept being blown away at all of the prices on things and wanted to keep snapchatting everything to friends back home (£2 for a Rekorderlig?!?). Luckily after that it was so easy to get to the school on the bus. The classroom was in a bit of a state. I hadn't really anticipated going into school for more than a day, but I soon realised I'd have to be going in again. After school I went with Kate to Lakeside shopping centre, freaking huge place that it is, and she helped me sort out a coat, bag, and a new mobile phone number with 3 mobile because I had already spent £20 in 2 days on credit with a  different provider (thanks Kate!).

Not very exciting train window viewing on the way to Essex

Kate came into the city on Wednesday but not until the afternoon, so I got the chance to Skype Vanessa back home and chat to her for a bit. Kate and I hung out at her hotel for a bit and then went on a hunt for some food. We found this great little pub that served 5 entree's for £20 and gee were they freaking delicious! We then headed into Portobello Road Markets.

Thursday it was back to school, I couldn't finish everything I wanted to because we had run out of display supplies :( I have bought cutting out home (already!) though. I managed to get a bit more done though which was good. Afterwards I did head to a charismatic prayer group in the city that night as well which was great to get a taste of an atmosphere like home.

Today I decided to bite the bullet and go to the touristy things on my own. Funny, but shopping here isn't really my thing on my own. I did first go to Oxford Street but all I bought was a face mask from Lush. I then hopped on the bus (my first red bus experience) to the Tower Bridge. Unfortunately I didn't anticipate the diversions in place so had to walk for a while. The awesome thing was that I hadn't even thought about going when the bridge would be raised, but while I was there it happened! It was so awesome to see, even locals were getting out of their cars. I paid £10.50 to go up the tower bridge (this included entry to the Monument) and take lots of selfies of myself on the glass floor. I passed Big Ben on my way back to my accommodation but didn't stop for pictures (that can happen another time).

Now I'm off to do some laundry so I don't pack dirty clothes away ready to head down to Droitwich tomorrow with my Aunty and Uncle.



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