Bucket List

Making the most of every situation. In no particular order these are things I'd love to do!

1. Go hot air ballooning in Cappadocia (6/8/2018)
2. Swim in one house bay, Greece
3. Visit where my parents lived in Germany
4. Go to Moss Bridges in Ireland
5. Visit Venice & Ride a Gondola
6. Travel to Paris again
8. Visit St Peters Basilica
9. See it snow and make a snow angel

10. Go to Oktoberfest

12. Visit Kensington Palace
14. Visit the Harry Potter Studios & Drink a Butterbeer
15. Take a picture in front of Big Ben, A red phone box, & Tower Bridge

16. Go to the Night Safari at London Zoo
17. Set the destination to 'flexible' on skyscanner and go to the first place that comes up
18. Visit Winter wonderland in London

19. Solo travel somewhere international
20. Skiing!

21. Book a holiday on Thursday to leave on Friday
22. Drive to France
23. Surprise my family in Australia
24. Buy a house of my own by the time I'm 30
25. Visit 3 new countries in 2016
26. Learn to speak a new language
27. Pay off all of my debt
28. Build an emergency savings
29. Go one month without living pay check to pay check or going into more debt
30. Take a 30 day challenge and actually finish it
31. Eat at Dans Le Noir in London
32. Move to Droitwich


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