Droitwich Spa - AKA where I gave up chocolate for an entire day!

I have literally had the nicest week spending time in Droitwich. I really like that place, I don't think Essex can have me anymore haha!
It was so nice to get into a soft cushy bed and have a shower without wearing flip flops.
I have really enjoyed spending time with all my family here. I've gotten to meet my 2nd cousins Archie and to see Harriet again all grown up. We've even baked some 'Jello Cookies' together. Aunty Tracy has taken very good care of me and made sure I've had a good meal each night, I'm sure I'll eventually eat healthy all throughout the day, instead of just at night (maybe tomorrow). I did make it 1 whole day without chocolate! That's a miracle in itself.
On Wednesday I headed into Birmingham to visit with Clare, Pam (Clare's mum) and Zara. The sea life centre was definitely calling our name with Clare and Myself both looking a tad more excited than Zara for the experience. It was a little disappointing how small it was, but overall it was a great day and I loved spending time with them.

Sophie  (my soon to be cousin-in-law :) )  dyed my hair for me on Thursday and I love it. The colour really suits my skin colour and it looks so natural.
Aunty Tracys birthday party definitely has to be the highlight of my time here. She really went all out to celebrate her special day, and you can tell from the pictures it was a great time had by all! In the coconuts we had a cocktail called 'Pink Bikini' and it was so good we resorted to bringing the saucepan of it out to the bar with us instead of consistently filling up our coconuts. I prepared for Essex by fake tanning and sticking false eyelashes on. It was nice to experience life as a non-translucent person for once.

My beautiful cousin Emma (thanks for putting my eyelashes on!)
On my last day we celebrated Aunty Tracys actual birthday with a nice lunch at Tagwells Tea Rooms in Droitwich and a dinner at The Swan. I've never experienced being given the actual bowl with my dinner when I've asked to take away my meal. Yet, this is what I got with The Swan. I should expect no less considering the wait we had for the food haha.

Tagwells Tea Rooms

Birthday Girl

Free bowl anyone?

Now I'm off to Essex for the day in my Jeep (which was meant to be a Fiat 500!)...here's hoping I make it around without any incidents.


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