Karratha Bound

Let me just start by saying, if you have to get on a plane for any amount of time you should be investing in an adult colouring in book. 

I bet I looked like a right dork in the airport colouring in, but it's so soothing and you really don't notice the time passing. 

I'm sitting on the airplane right now, somewhere above the Pilbara region of Western Australia. So much novelty involved with writing a blog post onboard even though I won't be able to post it until we land. I took advantage of my whole row to myself and took some shameless selfies. 

How funny to think that it's taken me an hour and a half flight to get somewhere in the same state, yet in the UK I can get on the Eurostar and be in France in 2 hours. 

Someone just farted and it's definitely a SBD (silent but deadly). I'm so Impressed  with Virgin, they fed me for free on a 1.5 hour flight. I am one of those people who actually enjoys plane food. I really need the toilet right now but I'm trying to hold on until we land. I didn't bring any anti bacterial wipes onboard. I still have half an hour, I'm going to the loo. 

Well that was ok, but I do feel like I need some hand santiser now. Does anyone else freak out when they flush on the plane? Normally I try to time the flush with opening the door. Didn't work this time though since the stewardesses were sitting right outside the door. How awkward. 

There are so many men on this flight it's not even funny. I guess they're off to work on the mines. 

I've just been told it's a toasty 27 degrees in Karratha right now. In the middle of winter. Thank the good Lord I didn't come up during the summer, my pasty white skin would have singed to a crisp. 


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