Checking off the to-do list

I can officially say that this time next week I'll be living in the UK. How epic and anxiety inducing is that!?!

So I had my to do list a few weeks back, and I've done all but one thing on there. Now it's time to add some more. Because we all know a list never gets finished, it just gets added to.

⭕️ Send tax return off
⭕️ Close all unnecessary bank accounts 
⭕️ Cancel gym membership 
⭕️ Switch phone over to pre-paid
⭕️ Book train tickets to Droitwich 
⭕️ Throw out the epic amount of makeup I definitely never use
⭕️ Visit Karratha for 9 days
⭕️ Buy an adult colouring in book (number 1 priority really) 
⭕️ Change my bank address to one in the UK so that I have proof of residence to open a bank account
⭕️ Pack bags
⭕️ Do something with all of the leftovers from the garage sale
⭕️ Clean entire house from top to bottom
⭕️ Organise and copy all important documents to take with me
⭕️ Finish preparing all name tags ready to be printed in the UK
⭕️ Take lots of photos!
So that last one really doesn't need to be on the list, but I've put it on there because I love to take photos.
I can quite accurately say that if it weren't for the generic cost of living here, I would have saved well over my goal. Instead, I've saved well under my goal. The most important thing to me though is to make sure that I have enough money to get me into a place of my own, set up, and comfortably live until my first pay day at the end of September.


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