Red Wine & Good Byes

Skype.What a wonderful invention, I skyped my new boss in the UK this past Sunday and got to ask all of the questions.

I might write a whole other post about the questions I asked that could be important for other thinking or preparing to make a move.

I found out I probably have Year 1 which is an AUS PP class. So happy with that!

I'm currently drinking a very large glass of red wine. I felt like that was a necessary piece of information to add in here (mainly because I might be slightly 'happy' right now after not even a whole glass).

I've been trying to organise goodbye drinks with the girls from work but my anxiety is proving pretty hard to handle. I don't like making decisions and therefore cannot decide on a place let alone who to invite!

So if you have a place to recommend that's got awesome ambience and cheap drinks (not too bothered about the food haha) I'm all ears (or eyes?)


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