Housemates & Finances

Over the space of 24 hours I've met every person who will be working within the same community of schools that I will be. It was so exciting and we were really feeding off each others energy before I started asking how much they were saving to go away.

Should not have done that. You see I am a serial spend-a-holic. I would say shop-a-holic but that would imply that I actually bought things that I could bring home, I'm a spend-a-holic because I like to pay money for things like lotto tickets and coffee (everyday, sometimes twice a day). I also have a highly competitive and anxious personality. My intention was to save $10,000 for this trip (equates to around 5000 pound) but now that I've finished with my full time work and I'm back to one day a week, my yearly salary doesn't even work out to be over $10,000 so I don't know how on earth I'm going to make that one happen. I'm currently working myself out a budget that I can project how much I'm going to end up saving by the time I go (yes off of $400 a fortnight) so at least I can be prepared in that way. I also have to do a lot of things here before I go that costs money like cancelling my gym membership and phone contract (that's $1000 right away). I was going to save most of my money this week except I desperately need 2 new tyres on my car, so bye bye money.

Pray for a miracle people!

While I was chatting to the others going to the same schools I met 2 girls who are very keen to get a share house going, which is awesome! I skyped with those 2 girls yesterday (as one is in Brisbane and the other is in Melbourne) so we're so keen to get that sorted out. I'm meeting with the other girl from Perth in the next fortnight as she'll probably live with us too.


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