Telling family & friends

You never really know what to expect when you're telling family and friends that you're returning to the Motherland...will they be confused or excited? Well as the old saying goes, you never know unless you ask and ask I did.

As previously stated, I find myself hilarious at the best of times, so getting to tell people has been quite fun. Normally I call them up and I say 'Hey, I've got some news for you' and they're like Okkk (what is this lady on), and then I'm like 'I got a full time job!' and then they're generally joyful like 'OMG well done! Congratulations .... blah, blah, blah' and then, while they're still chatting away telling me how happy they are for me I add 'Yeah, it's in England' which is usually when I get the stunned silence and the 'sorry what?'. So much fun I'm telling you.

I've had my moments today where I've been contemplating this decision and came to the conclusion that I must be mad. Then I realised that I'm just letting little doubts creep in and if I don't do this I'll regret it for a long time. Something that's constantly weighing on my mind is the 'what will I do if something bad happens to a family member in Aus while I'm away?' question. I just have to remember that God has my back and I'll just keep praying for the protection of my family and friends while I'm away (not that I don't do that now anyway).

After reading an article on the best time to book a flight (47 days before to be exact) I have come to the conclusion that the flight will be booked on the 5th of June, which is about 6 weeks away. I'm sure once I've booked my flights it'll all start to sink in a bit more.



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