Start of something new

I started this blog initially as a way to chronicle my journey as a DOTT provider in Kindy and then, as luck would have it, I was offered a full time position. The slight issue being that this job is in the UK and I am going to be starting in September.

So now this blog is a way to chronicle my journey to the UK, my experiences teaching not only in a different country, but also full time for the first time. Up until I leave though, I'll still be posting activities that I do with my Kindy class as I have another 11 weeks of teaching in Australia to get through.

So far my list of things to do before I move includes:

- Sell my car
- Sell what ever I can from my resources collection
- Book a plane ticket
- Speak to the other girl who is going to work at the same school and try to get her on board with being flat mates
- Cancel mobile phone service
- Cancel gym membership
- Research the UK curriculum
- Get my British passport (just sent off the forms today!)
- Organise health insurance
- Get a dental checkup (and my wisdom teeth out)

It's a constantly growing list, but one I will stay on top of (or leave until the last minute ?)

I have an Instagram if you want to follow along on a purely pictorial basis (@Natasha.oswald)

This is me, incase you're wondering. I'm quite normal.


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