It's happening!

For some reason when I wrote that title the scene from Bridesmaids popped up in my head where she's pooing in the middle of the street in the wedding dress. Funniest. Movie. Ever.

So I went into my current school yesterday and spoke to the Deputy who agreed to be a reference for me and is happy to let me out of my contract. References have been sent off to the UK and I should have my contract by the end of this week. Oh My Gosh. Like this is actually real. WOW.

Also, I totally sold my car on Friday. I advertised it on Gumtree with no pictures what so ever and I had a call 2 hours later. Now, you should probably know that my car is a piece of crap and I haven't got the best track record with it. There must actually be a dent in every panel of that car, yes, some of them are pretty artistic looking (Jesus Fish scratch down the passenger side, I'm looking at you) but sometimes people aren't into artistic (boring buggers). Knowing what I do about the condition of my chariot that I spend the majority of each day in I decided to write the most honest ad for a car ever. I present to you 'A very honest ad for a 2008 Toyota Corolla' (advertised for the awesome bargain price of $3,000).

You guys get a picture, because the Jesus Fish scratch needs to be appreciated!

This car is just calling out to be picked up by a parent whos child is pestering them to buy a car because they just got their learners permit (or their licence, woohoo!). Here are the reasons why:

Firstly, it's a manual. Don't be lazy and get an automatic licence, get your manual licence, it'll get you places in the long run.

Secondly, you're already teaching someone to drive so you really don't want any more added stress worrying about whether or not they'll add a few dents and scratches to your precious vechicle. Buy them this lovely Corolla that has been put through it's paces. You can also use the scratches and dents as a teaching tool of what not to do i.e. "See that pole and the car on the other side of the parking space, don't hit the pole otherwise you'll add another fish shaped scrape to the side of the car like the previous owner" or how about my favourite "Always look behind you when reversing otherwise you'll hit the fence and you can see how looks on the car already". Why would you want to buy a brand new awesome car when more than probably, they're going to dent it. Learn first, nice car second.

Thirdly, It's got 2 new tyres on the front. Winning!

Fourthly, You can also teach your learner ⁄ new driver about what happens when people don't like your parking. They're rude and they key the side of your car more than once. Luckily it's on the same side as the giant fish.

ANDDD you can teach your learner ⁄ new driver about the importance of not leaving your handbag ⁄ wallet in the car on the passenger seat overnight because people break in and steal it. This can be taught by pointing out the one window that isn't tinted.

I'm going to stop using number sequence words now and just tell you that you need to buy the car because I'm moving to the UK and can't take it with me. Here are some great points about the car:

- It has cup holders that come out of the sides of the car, you just push them in and they pop right out like magic!
- CD player and AUX cable input, for when you're up to listening to music while driving
- Auto windows
- Lots of storage space
- Easy to park
- Dennis the Deer dashboard bobble head also included
- The little passenger seatbelt and security light panel might not be where it's supposed to be, but it still works and beeps when your passenger doesn't have their seatbelt on. Safety first.

Also, it glitters in the sunlight and I will switch the number plates before you buy this majestic form of transportation. And on that note, the car isn't available until the first week in August, because I need a way to get around until I leave.

All this for the wonderful bargain price of $3000, what are you waiting for!

Before you ask, yes I think I'm hilarious. So many of the calls I had started with 'I didn't read your ad all the way to the bottom'. Loving it. The man that bought my car has offered me a holding deposit and is happy to wait until August. Which August may soon become July because I have a friend moving to the UK at the same time (she'll live about a half hour away from me) and why not travel with a buddy.

So, all in all, I'm really nervous about moving but excited about the fact that this is my last term of one day a week and pretty soon I'll have my own classroom! I'm writing up my plans for this term today and it's sort of hitting me that this is the last time I'll be seeing the 'Planting the Seeds of Science' book for a while. Hopefully when I come back there'll be a full time (or nearly full time) position at the school I'm currently at because I like it quite a lot, and the people are pretty cool too.

Prepping sensory activities for the Kindy class



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